The 8 News Show
Host of The 8 News Show Andrew Hughes Prior to the worker mandates in 2021 Andrew was a fly in, fly out mining worker in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Andrew had serious concerns that the claim of "safe and effective" was false and thus found himself unemployable. Attending his first protest rally in October of 2021 with a friend, Andrew went along with camera and microphone. and conducted several interviews just because he wanted to know for sure if other people were feeling like him. That day quickly progressed into a YouTube channel called The Bellman Report. Andrew found that his desire to have more in-depth discussions with people was far more suited to a podcast format and so began The 8 News Show in May of 2021.
Co-host on the Jab Injured Series Ret'd Dr Mark Lofts Born in the mid-1950s, Mark grew up in Sydney during the Space Race, leading to an abiding interest in Astronomy – the first choice for his career. Repulsed from it by the discovery of corruption in physics, he eventually studied medicine at Sydney University, graduating in 1979, despite feeling a medical career to be very much a second choice. Caught in a double graduation of 5-year and 6-year course medical intakes, he went from NSW to WA to Tasmania looking for suitable training jobs. Finally back in WA in the mid-1980s he was horrified by the corrupt attitude of doctors and researchers in his chosen path of Immunology. This led to a waning interest in medicine, abandoning specialist training then culminating in leaving general practice in 1995 in order to pursue independent study on human origins, the origin of religion and the underpinnings of cosmology. Yet background medical knowledge was why he became awake to the COVID scam right from the beginning – but without realizing until 2018 that vaccination safety had not been tested, contra what he was taught in medical school and Immunology and which he had believed until then. Since 2020 he has been awake to the central role of mathematics in the institutional corruption of both biology and physics.